Her is:

me, you, the divine feminine and mama nature herself. Her is not limited to biological female gendered bodies. There’s a beautiful, dark, chaotic, creative, transformational, life-giving and life-taking force within all of us—that is the divine feminine and that is the work that In Her It Blooms. All bodies are welcome and will benefit from the herbs and wellness advice offered here.

In Her It Blooms is a reminder that everyone and everything around you will bloom when they are good and ready—even you.

Her is: me, you, the divine feminine and mama nature herself. Her is not limited to biological female gendered bodies. There’s a beautiful, dark, chaotic, creative, transformational, life-giving and life-taking force within all of us—that is the divine feminine and that is the work that In Her It Blooms. All bodies are welcome and will benefit from the herbs and wellness advice offered here.

In Her It Blooms is a reminder that everyone and everything around you will bloom when they are good and ready—even you.

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In Her It Blooms, is an affirmation,
a value and our shared destiny.

We honor the process, knowing that in nature nothing blooms in all seasons yet all seasons are important.  Death and rebirthing new parts of ourselves is required, so we know this work isn’t easy.  Rest is also a part of growth so we know patience and trust is required.  But feeling free to be you—in all the infinite ways you are uniquely, supremely gifted and a light to others—is certainly a worthy priority and pursuit.
In Her it Blooms is for the womxn who is ready to face herself, make changes and treat her health challenges as a portal to the newest incarnation of herself.  There’s no more living with imbalance and medicating the symptoms.  She knows the only way out is through.  She’s here at In Her It Blooms because she wants guidance, support and wellness technologies for her journey.  After that she blooms.

Aight bet, here's the backstory...

Technically speaking, I was jacked up!  I had gained weight I couldn't take off, was diagnosed as pre diabetic, my hormones & menstrual cycle were off, & I had insomnia. At the time I was a raw food vegan, running daily on the 1200 calories I had limited myself to.  I went to hot yoga multiple times of week and was doing all the things I thought were "healthy" but something wasn't adding up.  I knew something was off.  Doctors advice was to eat right & workout but I was already doing those things. 

Eventually I met an Ayurvedic practitioner who told me that the core issue was how I was living for my body type.  What became obvious in ayurveda is that we all don’t inhabit the same body–and inputs into one body type do not result in the same outputs in another body type.  Functional medicine is recently discovering the importance of collecting information on the individual before making recommendations but Ayurveda has known this for 5000 years.  And as I used to hear the elders say “everything ‘aint for everybody.”  

When I learned what was actually healthy for my body (and it wasn’t salad, smoothies & restriction) my body naturally restored itself.  Six weeks later I was no longer pre diabetic, the weight melted off, my sleep went back to being solid and I felt great! Part of the power of this experience rested in the fact that I realized if I learned the language of my body & just did what it was saying, I could be my own healer.  

So now my work is to curate transformative healing journies for womxn with complex metabolic issues & women trying to conceive where they realize they too can be their own healers.  I promise you that once you start & see its possible it’s an addictive form of power you’ll be hesitant to ever give away again.


I work intentionally at the intersection of health justice and cultural preservation. I do this because I care about folks healing themselves because this is one way we learn to heal the land, nature, community and society.

  And as an activist I see that unhealed people can't make a better society.  So this is the tiny corner of the universe that I have decided to take up my fight with the vision that womxn who feel good will build better selves, families & communities.  

I decidedly don’t support individuals to restore their health so they can be mindless drones working under capitalism, living in disharmony with nature, oppressing others and creating more suffering in the world.  There’s plenty of practitioners who will see folks who are solely interested in self-preservation.  I am not the one.

So, if you’re ready for change--yours and ours collectively--and you’re ready to make changes, book a consultation with me today.

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